Second Language

3:58 PM

One of the things I want my children to know is a second language. America has never made learning other languages a priority in its school system, whereas in Europe kids learn 2 or more languages in addition to their native tongue. They taught us elementary Spanish in grade school but it was never conversational, just random words and phrases. That is one thing I wished would have been mandatory in school, second language classes.

So after some research the best tool I have found for teaching a second language is the Duolingo app/website. It's FREE and they offer English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. It's a great interactive program that makes it feel more like a game, so it's great for kids.

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  1. What a great tool! I'll have to check this out not only for my kids, but for myself!

  2. I love it and have been using it to teach myself German. It makes it really fun and easy to learn a second language.

  3. Childhood is the perfect age to start learning a new language because the brain is more malleable and they'll be able to learn the language more thorough. Also learning a second language has a very postive boost on general intelligence. And at our age it helps to keep alzheimer at bay ;)

  4. This is a great tool but I have trained my daughter to learn English while I was still pregnant. We live in the Philippines and we have a different language here. I guess teaching kids at a very early age could help them learn a second language easier. But like what I said, this is a great tool :) I;m coming from the MMM Link Up Party :) Hugs

  5. Yeah, it's true in American schools there is no way to learn a second language. Although in Europe every student is being learning second languages from their school period. Anyways thanks for letting know about Duolingo app/website, it's indeed best app to learn foreign languages easily...

  6. I have been meaning to check out Duolingo. Thanks for the reminder. Love your blog niche. !A fellow home schooler and co-host of Fabulously Frugal Thursday link up.
