Netflix for Education

6:11 PM

Netflix is a great resource that is easy on the family budget. At just $7.99 + tax per month you can stream unlimited videos. Streaming can be done through most current gaming systems like Wii, Xbox, and PlayStation. Blu-ray players also have this function and of course you can stream on your PC or laptop. However if your internet speeds are below 3 Mb Netflix will not stream properly, 3 Mb download speed is the minimum requirement for it to work properly, otherwise it will buffer and load every few seconds instead of playing in a nice continuous stream.
Recently Netflix added profile options, so you  can set up several profiles and for children you can set age restrictions, so they are unable to view anything that is rated above their age range. Good job Netflix!

Now with that being said, Netflix has a vast array of educational movies, documentaries and TV shows. You could search through each genre to find the ones you like and add them to your playlist, but the best way to do this is to use the Search box at the top. You can use this just like you would Google, just type in a phrase and it will find matches. You can search by age range as well. You can search by TV channel name as well. Below are some examples that yield some of the best results.
TED Talks
Science Channel
Animal Planet
National Geographic
BBC Documentaries
Science & Nature Documentaries
Education for Kids
Science & Nature TV

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