It's Not As Hard As You Think

11:02 AM

One of the questions we get asked the most is, "what curriculum do I need?" Let me just say that there is no right or wrong way to home school. The first step is to check the state home school education standards where you live and from there you the parent are able to customize the curriculum to fit each child.
The important thing to remember here is don't try to make it like public school! Think about why you are home schooling or have taken your child out of the public education system. Whether your child is a gifted learner or just needs some one on one help, you get to help them achieve their best learning experience because as their parent you know them best.

There are tons of boxed curriculum out there to pick and choose from and with a plethora of online schools popping up everywhere it is easy to feel overwhelmed by all of the options available. But it is alright to pick and choose, to think outside of the boxed curriculum and gather resources from across the internet, used bookstores, etc. Some of the best resources I have found are available for free online, which is what Home School Freesource is about. But I have also found great textbooks, workbooks, etc at a local salvage store. So sometimes you find what you need in the most unlikely of places.

Don't feel discouraged mama, just remember each child/family is different and not everything will work for everyone.

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